Antony Tips

Encountering plumbing issues in your home can be a source of significant frustration, especially when the root cause remains elusive. While it may seem like a challenge to pinpoint the exact problem without invasive methods, modern plumbing technology offers a solution: video pipe inspection. This innovative approach provides a non-intrusive way to visually inspect the interior of your plumbing system, making it an invaluable tool for homeowners in Riverview, FL, facing persistent plumbing problems.

Understanding Video Pipe Inspection
A video pipe inspection simplifies the diagnostic process by employing a high-definition camera mounted on a flexible rod, which is inserted into the plumbing lines experiencing issues. This setup allows plumbers to receive a live feed of the interior conditions of your pipes, enabling precise identification of problems such as clogs, leaks, or other damage. By removing the guesswork, plumbers can develop a targeted plan to address the specific challenges within your plumbing system.

The Benefits of Video Pipe Inspection
Video pipe inspections are versatile and can assist in resolving a wide range of plumbing concerns:

Identifying Clogs: Easily spot blockages within home drains or deeper within the sewer line, determining the most effective method for removal.
Detecting Leaks and Scale: Visualize the condition of pipes to uncover leaks or scaling that could be affecting water pressure.
Sewer Line Assessment: Discover if tree roots have infiltrated sewer pipes or if there are obstructions requiring attention.
By offering a real-time view inside your pipes, video pipe inspections facilitate a straightforward path to resolving complex plumbing issues, ensuring repairs are both accurate and efficient.

Professional Video Pipe Inspection Services
While video pipe inspection can greatly simplify the process of diagnosing and resolving plumbing problems, it requires specialized equipment and expertise. Fortunately, residents need not look further than the skilled plumbing professionals at IERNA’s Heating & Cooling. Our team is equipped with the necessary technology and training to conduct thorough video pipe inspections, providing you with clarity and peace of mind when plumbing issues arise.

If you’re grappling with persistent plumbing problems and are in need of a reliable solution, consider the benefits of a video pipe inspection. Contact us for expert plumbing services, and take the first step towards resolving your plumbing issues with precision and confidence.


In the relentless heat of Atlanta, the air conditioning system stands as a beacon of relief and comfort. However, the efficiency and reliability of this essential system shouldn’t be taken for granted. Here at Victory’s, where HVAC expertise is our pride, we emphasize the importance of regular AC tune-ups for maintaining optimal performance of your cooling system.

The Importance of Annual AC Tune-Ups
Regular maintenance is key to ensuring the efficiency and longevity of your air conditioning system, particularly in areas experiencing extreme weather conditions. An annual AC tune-up is not just recommended; it’s essential for several reasons:

Maintains system efficiency: Regular servicing ensures your AC runs smoothly, preventing costly issues from arising unexpectedly.
Proactive home comfort: Scheduling annual tune-ups is a proactive measure that ensures your home remains comfortable and your energy bills stay low.
Optimal Timing for AC Tune-Ups
While AC maintenance can be performed any time, spring and fall present ideal opportunities:

Spring: Preparing your AC for the summer heat during spring can prevent breakdowns and ensure your system is ready for the high-demand season.
Fall: In warmer climates like Florida, a fall tune-up can address wear from the summer and prepare your system for the cooler months, ensuring a seamless transition between cooling and heating.
Professional servicing during these times includes comprehensive checks like cleaning filters, verifying refrigerant levels, and inspecting electrical components.

Top Benefits of AC Tune-Ups
Investing in an AC tune-up brings numerous advantages:

Enhanced energy efficiency: A well-maintained AC uses less energy to cool your home, leading to significant savings on utility bills.
Reduced energy bills: Lower operational costs are a direct benefit of improved system efficiency.
Minimized repair costs: Catching small issues early can prevent expensive repairs later on.
Consistent home comfort: Enjoy even cooling throughout your home, without hot spots or fluctuations.
Extended AC lifespan: Regular maintenance can add years to your AC unit’s service life.
Improved air quality: A tune-up also means cleaner indoor air, thanks to well-maintained filters and coils.
Why Trust IERNA’s for Your AC Tune-Ups?
Choosing IERNA’s for your air conditioning maintenance means opting for unparalleled service and expertise. Our NATE-certified technicians are dedicated to optimizing your AC’s performance, focusing on your comfort and satisfaction. From enhancing energy efficiency to extending your unit’s lifespan, we provide comprehensive care for your cooling system.

For a reliable partner in maintaining your air conditioning system, turn to IERNA’s. Experience HVAC excellence and ensure your home remains a sanctuary of comfort and efficiency. Your comfort is our mission, and we’re here to deliver top-notch service tailored to your needs.


As we transition from the warm summer months to the cooler embrace of fall, ensuring your HVAC system is in peak condition is crucial. Not only does routine fall maintenance keep your home comfortable, but it also extends the life of your system and enhances its energy efficiency. At IERNA’s Heating & Cooling, we’re committed to helping you navigate the upkeep of your cooling and heating systems with our expert tips and comprehensive checklists. Tackling Common Fall HVAC Challenges The autumn season can introduce specific issues to your HVAC system. Here are some common problems and solutions to keep your system functioning optimally:

  • Clogs in the System: Regular cleaning of filters, vents, and ducts is vital for maintaining air circulation and efficiency. Persistent low airflow may indicate a severe clog requiring professional intervention.
  • Faulty Thermostat: Ensure your thermostat is correctly set and functioning. Replace batteries or the thermostat itself if issues persist.
  • Flood Damage: In flood-prone areas like Florida, protect your HVAC unit from water damage by elevating and insulating it from potential water sources. Professional assistance is necessary for units with flood damage.
  • Heating Issues: A non-responsive heating system may be due to dirty filters or malfunctioning components. Clean or replace filters as a first step and consult a professional for unresolved issues.
  • Noisy Unit: Loud or sudden noises coúld signal broken or loose parts. Tighten any loose components, and if the problem continues, seek expert diagnosis.

Essential Fall HVAC Maintenance Tips

Fall presents an ideal opportunity to address key maintenance tasks for your HVAC system:

  • Adjust Thermostats: Adapt thermostat settings for cooler weather. Consider a programmable thermostat for enhanced comfort and energy savings.
  • Change Detector Batteries: Ensure the safety of your home by replacing batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Changing Air Filters: Replace HVAC filters every 90 days, or more frequently if you have pets or allergies, to prevent common issues.
  • Clean Outdoor Unit: Clear debris from around your outdoor unit to maintain system efficiency.
  • Maintain Air Ducts: Keep air ducts clear and schedule an annual inspection to ensure optimal system performance.
  • Remove Window Units: Store window air conditioners to prevent cold air leaks.
  • Replace Weatherstripping: Check and replace weatherstripping around windows and doors to maintain indoor warmth. Test Heating: Early testing of your heating system can identify any operational issues before the cold sets in.

The Importance of Bi-annual HVAC Maintenance Scheduling professional HVAC maintenance twice a year is key to a long-lasting, efficient system. These inspections can catch minor issues before they escalate, saving you from costly repairs and ensuring a comfortable home environment year-round.

Upgrading Your System: The Smart Thermostat Advantage Enhance your fall HVAC maintenance with a thermostat upgrade. Modern therapeutics offer automated adjustments, energy efficiency, and integration with smart home systems, taking your comfort and convenience to the next level.

For expert guidance and service on preparing your HVAC system for fall, reach out to IERNA’s Heating & Cooling. Our team is ready to assist you with maintenance, repairs, and upgrades, ensuring your system is primed for the cooler months ahead. Prioritize your HVAC maintenance this fall for a seamless, comfortable season.


Mini-split systems have become increasingly popular for their reliability and longevity, offering over 20 years of efficient air conditioning with minimal maintenance. However, selecting the right mini-split system requires understanding the various types available and the best ways to mount and place your unit. Here’s what you need to know about choosing and installing a mini-split system for optimal comfort and efficiency.

Types of Mini-Split Systems
Mini-split systems, utilizing heat pump technology, offer an efficient method for heating and cooling homes. There are two primary categories:

  • Single-Zone Mini-Splits: Ideal for controlling the temperature in a single room, consisting of one indoor and one outdoor unit.
  • Multi-Zone Mini-Splits: Capable of heating and cooling multiple rooms independently, connecting multiple indoor units to a single outdoor nit. Though more complex and costly to install, they offer flexible temperature control across different areas of your home.

Mounting Options for Mini-Split Systems

The placement of your mini-split system plays a crucial role in its performance and integration into your space. Consider these mounting options:

  • Floor Mounts: Situated on the floor, these are less common due to their spatial requirements and potential for obstruction. They’re suitable for rooms with limited wall or ceiling space.
  • Ceiling Mounts: Mounted on the ceiling, these units provide excellent cooling capacity and airflow, making them suitable for larger spaces or commercial settings. They’re discreet but may produce more noise than other options.
  • Wall Mounts: The most popular option, wall-mounted units are cost-effective, space-efficient, and available in designs that can complement your interior décor. However, they have a single airflow direction, which may limit their circulation compared to ceiling mounts.

Optimal Placement for Mini-Split Systems

Choosing the right location for both indoor and outdoor units is crucial for maximizing the efficiency of your mini-split system:

  • Indoor Units: Best placed on exterior walls for easy connection to outdoor units. Avoid placing near bulky furniture or in direct sunlight to ensure unobstructed airflow and accurate temperature readings.
  • Outdoor Units: Should be positioned away from landscaping to allow proper air circulation. Ensure the unit is on a level surface and consider elevating it to avoid debris and water damage. Regular maintenance is essential to keep it running smoothly.

Why Professional Installation Matters Given the complexity of installing and optimizing mini-split systems, professional installation is recommended. Experienced technicians from lerna’s Heating and Cooling can ensure your system is correctly mounted, placed, and set up for years of efficient operation.

Ready for Efficient, Comfortable Air? Mini-split systems offer an excellent solution for energy-efficient, customizable home comfort. Whether you’re considering a single-zone or multi-zone system, understanding your options and the importance of proper installation can help you make the best choice for your home.

If you’re looking to upgrade your home’s HVAC system with a mini-split, contact the experts at lerna’s Heating and Cooling. Our team is ready to assist with selecting the perfect system, providing professional installation, and ensuring your home remains comfortable for years to come.


As the weather transitions from the heat of summer to the cooler days of fall, the efficiency and functionality of your air conditioning system become even more crucial. Familiarizing yourself with the essential components of your air conditioner not only aids in proper maintenance but also ensures prolonged efficiency and effectiveness. At IERNA’s Heating & Cooling, we’re dedicated to enhancing your understanding of your HVAC system and ensuring it delivers clean, comfortable air for years.

Core Components of an Air Conditioner An air conditioner consists of several critical parts, each playing a vital role in temperature and humidity regulation within your space. Understanding these components can help you identify maintenance needs and ensure optimal operation:

Evaporator: This component cools the warm indoor air by blowing it over refrigerant-filled coils, then recirculates the cooled air back into your space.

Condenser: Situated in the outdoor unit, the condenser removes heat from the refrigerant and expels it outside, aiding in the cooling process.

Expansion Valve: Acting as a bridge between the condenser and evaporator, the expansion valve controls the flow of refrigerant, allowing it to expand, cool, and absorb heat efficiently.

Compressor: Often referred to as the heart of the air conditioning system, the compressor compresses the refrigerant, facilitating its flow through the system.

Additional Essential Components Beyond the main parts, several other components play critical roles in your air conditioner’s functionality:

Air Filter: Prevents dirt and debris from entering the system, ensuring clean air circulation.

Refrigerant: The fluid crucial for cooling, it transitions between liquid and gas forms within the system, absorbing and releasing heat.

Fan: Ensures air circulation across the evaporator and condenser coils, aiding in efficient heat absorption and expulsion.

Thermostat: Acts as the control center, allowing you to set and regulate the desired indoor temperature.

How the Air Conditioner Components Work Together
The operation of an air conditioner is a harmonious cycle starting with the compressor, which pressurizes the refrigerant, turning it into a hot liquid. This liquid then travels to the condenser coils, where it’s cooled and transformed into a high-pressure gas. The expansion valve then regulates the refrigerant’s flow, allowing it to expand and cool further. Finally, the cool gas flows through the evaporator coils, where indoor air is cooled and circulated back into the room.

Recognizing Signs of Trouble
Even with regular maintenance, air conditioners may exhibit signs of malfunction, such as unusual noises, unpleasant odors, water leaks, or a lack of cold air. These symptoms could indicate issues ranging from clogged filters to more severe component failures. Addressing these signs promptly with professional assistance can prevent higher energy costs and ensure your system’s longevity.

Expert Care for Your Air Conditioning Needs
Understanding the critical components of your air conditioner is the first step toward maintaining a comfortable and efficient indoor environment. However, when repairs or maintenance are needed, it’s crucial to rely on the expertise of professionals. At IERNA’s Heating & Cooling, our team is equipped to diagnose and solve any issues, ensuring your air conditioner continues to provide reliable comfort. Contact us today to schedule your service and keep your air conditioning system in top condition.


Water heaters become indispensable as temperatures drop, facilitating various household activities like cooking, cleaning, and bathing. However, like all appliances, water heaters may exhibit signs of wear or malfunction. Identifying these signs early can save you from the inconvenience of sudden breakdowns. Here are key indicators that it’s time to schedule repairs for your water heater.

Fluctuating Water Temperatures
Unexpected changes in water temperature, without any adjustments on your part, often signal issues with your water heater. This problem usually stems from mineral deposits accumulating near the heating elements, interfering with their function. Professional cleaning can restore your heater’s performance, ensuring consistent water temperatures.

Decreased Hot Water Pressure
Mineral deposits can also lead to diminished hot water pressure by clogging the pipes. Alternatively, a decline in water pressure might indicate an aging water heater nearing the end of its lifespan. A thorough inspection by a professional can pinpoint the exact cause and recommend the appropriate solution.

Cloudy Water and Unpleasant Odors
Noticing cloudy water accompanied by strange smells could indicate mineral buildup or, more seriously, bacterial contamination within the tank. Both scenarios require immediate attention from a professional to prevent the problem from worsening and to safeguard your health.

Unusual Noises from the Water Heater
While some noise from your water heater is normal, escalating sounds or persistent noise may suggest mineral deposits have formed a layer at the tank’s base, hindering its efficiency. These deposits can also create noticeable sounds as they interact with the heating elements. Flushing the system, ideally performed by a professional, can eliminate this buildup.

Rusty Water
The appearance of rusty water, particularly when it’s only present in the hot water, suggests an issue within the water heater itself. This may be due to corrosion of the anode rod, a critical component designed to prevent rust. Conversely, if both hot and cold water are rusty, the problem might lie in your home’s plumbing rather than the water heater.

Recognizing these signs early and seeking professional help can extend the life of your water heater, ensuring it continues to provide the comfort and convenience you rely on. For expert water heater repair and maintenance services, reach out to our skilled team. We’re committed to ensuring your water heater operates efficiently and safely, providing you with peace of mind and reliable hot water when you need it most.